Hudson Shipping 2011 Year End Results Meeting & Call


Hudson Shipping 2011 Earnings Meeting Set

Nassau, Bahamas - 11 January 2012 - Hudson Shipping Lines, Inc., part of the SeaTrade Transport International, Inc. (STI) group of companies has announced the date and time for their quarterly earnings report. The group will convene on Friday, 17 February 2012 to discuss the results of 2011 and set strategies going forward. Members and Investors not able to physically attend the conference are encouraged to join via the conference bridge. The information for accessing the call is available in the packet which was sent out via registered mail.

All recorded minutes and information from the meeting will be available via the Hudson Shipping website at and accessed by clicking the "Shareholder Login" menu item from the Login menu and using your previously supplied username and password, which was also provided in your information packet.

If you have specific concerns or require special assistance with this issue, please contact the appointed Hudson Shipping Lines, Inc. representative listed below:

Benjamin Malkin
1650 Lake Cook Rd
Deerfield, IL 60015
+1 847 564 4660
[email protected]