Australian Bulk Stevedoring the newest addition to successful Hudson Family

Hudson Shipping Lines is proud to welcome its newest partnership with Cooperative Bulk Handling. Australian Bulk Stevedoring (ABS) will service the ports of Western Australia - including, but not limited to: Geraldton, Kwinana, Albany, and Esperance.

This partnership is proof positive of Hudson and CBH's committment to growth and sustainability for Western Australian ports, bringing in new business and creating continued revenue and jobs for ports and communities served.

In a statement of August 3rd, 2009, Hudson Shipping President Mr. A. Eilon provided the following:

"ABS, like its parents, will be another successful member of the family providing a unique, reliable, and trustworthy service to its customers at a competitive cost. ABS is yet another example of its shareholders innovative and proactive approach, bringing value to the supply chain logistics. We are very pleased with this addition to our group and excited for the possibilities it brings."

Australian Bulk Stevedoring is expected to commence operations in the ports of Kwinana and Geraldton on a limited basis by the end of August 2009. Full operational rollout in major Western Australian ports is slated for completion October 2009.

For more information regarding ABS, please continue to monitor the Hudson Shipping website for details or CBH's website under "Value Chain Partners." Also, feel free to contact one of our knowledgable representatives at [email protected] for any inquiries that may arise, or to find out how your organization can prosper from the extensive network and knowledge base of Australian Bulk Stevedoring.